Saturday, December 13, 2014

Christmas In Zarahemla, an LDS Re-Telling of the Night Before Christmas

'Twas ninety-two years since the Nephites last king,
And six hundred years since six-hundred BC;
Lachoneus reigned in the chief judgment seat,
But wickedness ruled up and down every street.

Believers were wrestled straight out of their beds,
By the wicked, who sought to chop off their heads!
The masses, they laughed that the time was far passed 
For the sign of the birth of the First and the Last.

The sign was to be two days and one night,
During which would be filled with afternoon light.
The sun would go down, but a new star would rise,
Giving hope to the captive, and light to the skies.
Tonight was the night that believers would die
If the sign was not given to light up the sky.

Then Nephi, the prophet, bowed himself to the earth,
And cried to his God, pleading, “When is Thy birth?”
All the day long he cried with great faith,
Til the Spirit came upon him, and the Lord saith:

“Lift up thy head, and be of good cheer!
For the time of the sign of my birth draweth near;
Tonight is the night the sign will be giv’n
And I come to my own, from my throne up in heav’n.

I come to redeem thee from slavery’s hold
And deliver my people back home to the fold;
I come to bear grief, and carry thy sorrow,
And all of the weight of thy burdens will borrow;
I’ll lead thee along, from the depths raise you up,
But first I must come to drain the whole cup.

Intercession I’ll make to save you from sin
I’ll know how you feel - without and within.
My blood shall be spilt when I’m crushed by your pain
But I’m willing to do it to free you from chains.

And death is the last thing you’ll have need to fear,
Resurrection will bring you to celestial spheres.
But the path to high places is a long narrow road
It’s not just a gift, so easily bestowed.

An investment I make - I hope not in vain -
I ask you to live on a much higher plane.
Every jot of the law shall all be fulfilled
Now fear not my son, for none shall be killed."
Thus ended Jehovah, He stuck to His promise:
When the sun had gone down, they all were astonished!

For when the sun set, it should have gone dark,
But the lingering light was more than a spark.
The wicked all fell, prostrate on the ground
To pray for forgiveness - new faith had been found! 

Believers rejoiced and gave praise to their King,
Then together with angels, His glory did sing.
We go through our lives with troubles and strife,
But the Deliv’rer, He came, to give us new life!

From the very first day He was born as a babe,
The Christ was deliv’ring us from the grave.
So when darkness confronts you, and far is the morn’
Remember the night that the Savior was born. 
The star in the sky was not meant for one night-
But everyday purposed to fill us with Light. 

- Taylor, a dead missionary

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